You’ll be hearing a lot about me time in 2019. Even #FOMO (fear of missing out) is moving toward  #JOMO (Joy of Missing Out) for those who recognize the need to disconnect and reclaim some me time.

But how do you, as a business owner, reclaim some of your me time while trying to grow your business?

Here are 5 simple ideas to help.

I think I can!

Do your best ideas come in the shower? Why is that? Because, in the shower, we disconnect from distractions and our mind is free to wander.
Simple lesson learned. It’s difficult, if not impossible, to think freely while multi-tasking.
Make a 30-60 minute daily appointment of uninterrupted time with yourself to let your mind wander. It could be about a specific task or project or nothing at all. An unencumbered mind is more likely to reach better conclusions faster.

Wow! You can do that?!

Ever see someone use one of your apps in a way you weren’t aware was available?
Stop fumbling around with your apps. Get over your #FOMO on social networks and switch to YouTube for tutorials on your favorite SmartPhone apps. Efficiency equals precious time saved.

One email leads to 11…

Have you noticed how just one email can lead to many more or worse, multiple unexpected tasks? You soon forget what you were doing before the inbox distraction. Don’t waste productivity time responding to every email popup alert. If you must leave your alerts on, then choose only to interrupt your valuable productivity time for the most urgent email. Be honest about the urgency.
If you schedule specific times to read and respond to emails, you’re more likely to fly through that inbox in less time. I like 11 am, 2 pm, and at the end of my day in preparation for tomorrow. Pick the times that work best for you and your clients and stick to them.

It’s Thursday already?

Don’t wait until the Monday morning rush to plan out your week. Start your week focused and calm. Use an uninterrupted Sunday evening to gather your thoughts and group your activities in a planner.
  • Silence notifications
  • Close the door with a Do Not Disturb sign
  • Sit at a clean desk or table.
  • Review your upcoming week.
  • List goals and expectations.
  • Make a daily plan around the most important items.
Knowing what’s ahead each day saves you lost time from lack of planning and forgetfulness.

Networking – it’s what’s for breakfast.

Skip the coffee drive-thru line and morning commuter traffic. Eat an early breakfast with community business owners.
  • Hone your 30-45 second pitch to make it clear what you seek in a client or customer.
  • Go regularly.
  • Build relationships.
  • Earn trust.
  • Make friends.
People refer and do business with people they like. Check out your local MeetUp or community publications to find the network(s) right for you and your business.
Don’t let 2019 get away from you. Resolve to make the best use of your precious time. Regain valuable downtime by eliminating wasted time.
You will change. Your business will prosper. Your family and friends will thank you.

Let me know what you think…

Follow and Tweet your comments to me @HaniaWhitfield